DC-VET WB – Developing capacity for VET Systems in Western Balkans
The objective is to innovate VET systems in Western Balkans through the exchange of practises and a pervasive capacity building action. Countries involved are Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosova and Montenegro.
We aim to strengthen the cooperation with companies and VET institutions, both internationalisation of education and to make the training more inclusive.
Our goals are
- To increase the quantity and quality of work-based learning, WBL and activities in collaboration with companies
- To equip schools with tools to deal with the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, special educational needs, cultural obstacles and gender equality
- To improve the internationalisation strategies of VET schools in Western Balkans
How to promote participation in vocational training in the Western Balkan countries?
Twenty teachers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Spain, and Italy were exploring the theme of participation under the leadership of Luovi in Helsinki in June 2024. The seminar was preceded by needs assessment, pre-assignments, and an online meeting. Finally, we were together, sharing experiences. The training package is part of the European Union-funded DC-VET WB project.
The purpose was to delve into individual study paths, plain language, and workplace-based learning. Participants choose a good practice and pilot it in their own educational institutions. Experiences will be collected to create a toolbox of best practices for broader European use.
Luovi’s culinary students in Helsinki took care of seminar catering over two days. The Thursday workshop was held at Stadin ammattiopisto. The project also enhances Luovi experts’ experience as trainers in an international environment.
Such enthusiastic and participatory group!
The project continues until the end of 2025. Next year, the focus will be on developing international competence, and students will have the opportunity to participate in a joint event.
Representing Luovi are Sari Jokela, Sirpa Grönvall, Arja Vatanen, Anne Tornberg, and Mari Kontturi.
DC-VET WB is coordinated by Uniser, Italy.
Chamber of Economy of Montenegro,
Prishtina REA from Kosovo
IUS Lifelong Learning Center, IUS Life from Bosnia Herzegovina
Vicepresidencia Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad De Madrid / IES PEDRO DE TOLOSA from Spain
Albanian Skills and
Luovi Vocational College

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Mari Kontturi
Manager of International Affairs
+358 40 319 3264