We expect our teachers to train their VET students to become resilient global citizens who can manifest themselves in an increasingly international working environment. The reality is that less than 10% of the students attend education regarding internationalization. The main reasons are limited financial resources (Erasmus+) and reluctance of many students to go abroad for a longer period of time. The vast majority of our students are therefore not or hardly immersed in the internationalization relevant to their work context. It is therefore necessary to link education to Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and specific 21st Century Skills.
Up until now, internationalization education has often had an ad hoc character. An important reason for this is the lack of an accessible toolbox for structuring internationalization education in the curriculum. Due to COVID-19 or similar future crises, we expect the group of students who will exchange with another country to become smaller.
The importance of internationalization @home education will increase in order to acquire international competences. The BUILD@HOME project is aimed to meet this need by developing an easy to use toolbox that enables teachers and students to create or follow education that closely matches the curriculum/learning objectives, learning needs, talents and core qualities of the student. All this in the context of the required international competences and Agenda 2030. The toolbox is designed for every type of education and for every type of student. We want to offer extra handles for new applications in Technical courses and Students with fewer opportunities in the broadest sense of the word.
In the long term, the desired impact is that every participating VET school has structurally incorporated the toolbox BUILD@HOME in education so that every student can gain international experience in regular lessons, without having to travel abroad.


Miia Tolonen, International coordinator,, + 358 40 319 3183