Luovi Quality

We achieve our goals by acting sustainably accordig to our common processes and guidelines. We are each responsible for the outstanding quality of our own work. Our actions speak for Luovi´s performance.

Read the news of the Excellence Finland EFQM assessment´s Recognized for Excellence 5 star rating.


  • Recognised by EFQM 5-star 2024
  • The Quality Award of Vocational Education and Training in 2021 and 2017 (The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture)
  • Erasmus+ Accreditation for 2021-2027
  • Recognised for Excellence 4-star 2014

Quality is a result of every employee’s daily work

The goal is to ensure the uniformity of operations and Luovi’s ability to meet the needs of students, customers and stakeholders, as well as the goals set for vocational special needs education and training.

We achieve our goals by acting sustainably according to our common processes and guidelines. We are each responsible for the outstanding quality of our own work. Our actions speak for Luovi´s performance.

Quality management is based on Luovi’s strategy as well as Luovi’s quality guidelines and Luovi’s quality development plan.​