RUORI Assessment Tool
RUORI Assessment Tool helps to develop learning paths and support services for students. Become a qualified RUORI professional and join the training.
RUORI Assessment Tool
The number of learners who have challenges in learning and who need special support in their studies is growing constantly. At Luovi Vocational College we believe that each individual is special and deserves equal rights and opportunities. Routes to employment and good life.
- Based on ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health of WHO
- Assessing the functional capacity of the students
- Recognizing the special educational needs
- Including both an expert assessment and a student self assessment
- Training includes both theoretical and practical part
- Certificated by Luovi
- Supporting equal access of SEN students to education and training
- More students get a vocational qualification
- More knowledge on students’ functional capacity and how to guide them
- Building more effective support services
Four quadrants of RUORI

- Interest in and motivation to plan a career path
- Coping and energy levels
- Stress management
- Self-confidence
- Self-image

Learning and working capabilities
- Reading and writing
- Doing basic calculations
- Learning new things
- Health prerequisites of learning and working
- Manual skills
- Measuring and conceptualisation
- Concentration
- Completing tasks

Co-operation skills
- Behaviour and expressing emotions
- Working in a group
- Social interaction skills
- Following instructions, rules and schedules

Everyday living skills
- Taking care of oneself
- Daily rhythm
- Doing chores
- Taking care of business and using money
- Getting from one place to another
- Hobbies and other meaningful leisure activities
RUORI self-assessment
In the RUORI self-assessment, the applicant or student answers questions regarding their studying abilities and functioning. The self-assessment can be done together with a teacher, guardian or other support person, for example.
RUORI expert assessment
The RUORI expert assessment describes the functioning and needs for support and guidance in different learning and operating environments of the person being guided on the basis of observations and cooperation. Multiprofessional assessment increases reliability.
To Whom?
- Guidance professionals
- Professionals working with special needs students
- Vocational colleges
- Special needs schools
Contact information
Ms Mari Kontturi
Manager of International Affairs
+358 40 319 3264
Ms Anne Tornberg
Director of Luovi Global Education
+358 40 319 3675
Honorary Award in Quality Innovation Award 2020 in Finland was granted to RUORI Assessment Tool.