REX VET – From a rookie to an expert
International paths for VET staff
From a rookie to an expert – International paths for VET staff, REX VET will address the objectives of the Erasmus+ program by fostering quality improvements, innovation and internationalisation.
Project Summary
From a rookie to an expert – International paths for VET staff, REX VET will address the objectives of the Erasmus+ program by fostering quality improvements, innovation and internationalization. Enhancing mobility is one of the objectives of Education and Training 2020 framework. In addition, we want to promote opportunities for continuous professional development of VET teachers as stated in Riga Conclusion 2015 and thus raise the overall quality of VET.
Multicultural working life and the international labor market requires international skills and competences. Teachers in VET need to have international skills in order to be able to guide the students. Our project responds to the national priority of strategic partnerships projects in Finland, too. We will develop the skills and competences of teachers as a part of continuous professional development.
Our objectives are:
- to increase the ownership of internationalization activities within the organization and engage more teachers and staff members in such activities. Engaging more teachers in international activities is crucial in order to increase the attention to the European context, develop new curriculum planning process and new curriculum models and help to widen cultural understanding among students.
- to develop and recognize the skills and competences that are needed in the global world and internationalization of education from “a rookie to an expert”.
- to promote staff development in terms of internationalization skills such as more knowledge about the EU, better understanding of other VET systems, language and managerial skills and updating the skills needed to work in a multi-cultural environment.
- to promote the link between international activities and the strategy and development of the organization and staff professional development.

Centro San Viator

Kuressaare Ametikool



Stichting Christelijk Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum Noord- en Oost Nederland

Ammattiopisto Luovi (Coordinator)
The coordinators are staff members involved in international activities in the partner colleges. The human resources staff are also involved in the implementation. The target group is teachers and other staff. The secondary target group is the management of the college.
Activities and methodology:
We will organize four transnational meetings to work on the products and to disseminate the results. In addition to on-going evaluation and dissemination, we will organize five multiplier events as dissemination workshops. We will also arrange one learning, teaching and training activity to test the products and to get feedback for the improvement.
We will have a very practical approach and work in workshops both in participating organizations and in LTT activity and multiplier events. In transnational meetings we work together on the products.
The products are:
1. Mapping the international skills of the staff in partner organizations.
2. Personal development path model in international skills for staff in VET
3. Training package to support the skills development
4. Digital learning badges to document and recognize the learning and skills gained in internationalization. All products are in English.
Mapping the international skills of the staff in partner organizations.
Personal development path model in international skills for staff in VET
Training package to support the skills development
Open badges
The expected impact and long-term benefits:
We aim to achieve impact at individual level as increased skills and competence. At organizational level, the impact and efficiency can be seen in the closer link with the staff development and internationalization. We provide a tool to evaluate the level of international skills and competences both on individual and organization level. We offer a flexible and modern way to recognize and validate the international skills through granting individual open badges. In addition, participating organizations have more competent staff members.The products will be available for wider use after the project. The model of international path can be adjusted in other VET colleges, too. On-line training package supports the growth from a rookie to an expert. The open badges can be transferred and used to show the skills and competences.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
More information
Mari Kontturi
+358 40 3193 264