Peer Review – More Impact, Excellent Results
Vaikuttavuutta ja erinomaisia tuloksia vertaisarvioinnin avulla
PREMIER-hankkeessa laajennetaan kansainvälisen vertaisarvioinnin materiaalien, kriteerien ja metodien käyttöä uusiin laatutyön osa-alueisiin. Lisäksi hankkeessa kehitetään edelleen jo olemassa olevaa vertaisarvioinnin kriteeristöä sekä saatetaan se uusien organisaatioiden ja maiden käyttöön.
Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
We build the project on the experiences and the feedback received of the Strength from Peer Review project. The aim is to widen the use of Peer Review to new quality areas as well as to pilot the materials, criteria and the method in new organizations and countries thus improving also the existing criteria.
The project will address the objectives of the Erasmus+ program by fostering quality improvements, innovation and internationalization. Enhancing mobility is one of the objectives of Education and Training 2020 framework.
When VET providers plan international activities they have to take into consideration national and European policy objectives. Student and staff mobility and development projects are ways to carry out internationality. However, international activities are not always written in the strategies in all the participating countries. VET colleges and students could benefit more from home internationalization activities. Thus, the impact of the activities is not easily to be shown.
Continuous quality improvement of VET is a priority in the participating countries. We can actively develop quality management with international partners. In addition, we want to promote Peer Review as an opportunity for continuous professional development of VET teachers as stated in Riga Conclusion 2015 and thus raise the overall quality of VET.
The project will help the participating organizations to
- get familiar with the Peer Review method, especially the new partners, for others it will help to deepen the competence and involve new staff members to participate
- learn how to utilize the method in order to evaluate not only their international activities but also other activities since the method is transferable
- improve the quality of international activities
- understand the link between international activities and the strategy and development of the organization
The project includes a training module to instruct the participating organizations to carry out Peer Review and to train staff members to act as Peers. Practical training takes place at Peer Visits.
We will organize five transnational meetings to work on the criteria, to develop and to disseminate the products. In addition to on-going evaluation and dissemination, we will organize five multiplier events.
1) Peer Review Training module including materials, face-to-face training, on-line training and Peer Visits as practical training exercise.
2) Criteria for home internationalization. This includes activities carried out excluding mobility, e.g. receiving students and staff, cooperation with employers and immigrants.
3) Revised criteria on student mobility including apprentices, staff mobility, partnership projects and international strategy.
Criteria in Dutch
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Internationalisation at home
Internationale activiteiten
Criteria in English
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Internationalization at home
Student mobility
Staff mobility
Erasmus+ Partnership
International activities
Criteria in Estonian
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Rahvusvahelistumine kodus
Õpilaste õpiränne
Töötajate õpiränne
Rahvusvahelised koostööprojektid
Rahvusvahelised tegevused
Criteria in Finnish
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Erasmus+ Kumppanuuusprojektit
Kansainvälinen toiminta
Criteria in French
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Internationalisation chez soi
Mobilité des jeunes
Mobilité des équipes
Projets de partenariats Erasmus+
Activités internationales
Criteria in Swedish
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Internationalisering hemma
Personal mobilitet
Internationella aktiviteter
Criteria in Slovenian
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Internacionalizacijo doma
Mobilnost dijakov
Mobilnost osebja
Projekte mednarodnega sodelovanja
Mednarodne aktivnosti
The consortium consists of three Finnish VET providers, two of the Special Needs Vocational Colleges. Besides, three nationwide organizations from France, Italy and the Netherlands, two vocational colleges from Estonia, one from Slovenia and one from Sweden take part in the project. Ammattiopisto Luovi is the coordinator of the project.
The participants are staff members involved in international activities in the partner colleges either teachers or administration staff. The quality managers or persons in charge of the quality issues are targeted with the project. The secondary target group is the management of the college. Each partner will choose two to three persons to be trained as Peers.
Other staff, students and stakeholders will participate during the self-evaluation and Peer Review Visit phases.

Viljandi Kutseõppekeskus

Kuressaare Ametikool

Luovi Vocational College

Kainuu Vocational College

Live Vocational College

Grans Naturbruksgymnasium / Norrbottens läns landsting

Apprentis Auteuil



MBO Raad
The expected impact and long-term benefits
At individual level, the skills and competence of the trained Peers will increase. At organizational level, the quality of internationalization and international processes will improve. In addition, strengthening and building new partnerships will be an impact. The link between the organization’s strategy and international activities will be strengthened and the impact and efficiency of the international processes will become measurable. Participating organizations have more competent staff members in quality issues and international activities.
At national and European level, the idea of Peer Review as a tool for evaluating activities and processes is familiar in new partner countries.
Peer Review, as a method of external evaluation is transferable and sustainable and can be used in other quality areas, too.
Peer Review is a method of external evaluation and can be used in improvement of the quality and development of the services and activities. The Peer Review method will be introduced and the once piloted quality areas will be revised in order to create a truly European Peer Review system to evaluate and assess internationalization and international activities and their effectiveness and impact in VET organizations.
The European Commission accepts no responsibility for the contents of the publication.
More information
Mari Kontturi
Manager of International Affairs
+358 40 319 3264